










在神的帶領下,2013年初我得以到美國普度大學Calumet校區攻讀機械工程碩士,在這裡參加了Munster中文教會的聚會和服侍,也參加Dyer Baptist Church英文教會的敬拜,參與唱詩、聖誕節目和校園福音事工。 2015年春季畢業並獲得工學碩士學位。感謝主的帶領,從2016年春季開始在芝加哥慕迪神學院開始聖經研究碩士課程的學習 (MA Biblical Studies)。






I grew up in a small village near Luoyang in Communist China. My dad’s mother was the first Christian in our family and through her faith most others followed. She always smiled and encouraged me, even when I did wrong and feared to tell my mom.

In primary school I attended church with Mom. I was asked to stand and read several verses in the Bible in church and that is my first memory of public speaking. I quit church in Middle school because the school was in another town; I stayed with Mom’s parents who lived there, but they were not Christians. I started college in Luoyang, where I began to realize how empty life is. Other students were self-centered and insensitive to the cares of others.

One morning during my junior year, I was sitting in the dining hall just starting my breakfast. An older woman sitting on the opposite side of the table started a conversation by asking me a question: “Are you a Christian?” I thought a second and said, “Yes, I am!” I was not, but I thought that since my mom was a Christian, I was too. She invited me to join the Christmas celebration next Sunday morning in the church only 12 minutes away by walking. Like my grandmother, she seemed to genuinely care about me so I decided to go to church. I hadn’t gone in years and I was curious.

I didn’t tell anyone about my decision, and the next Sunday morning I arose early and followed the crowd on the street. The faces of the people were joyful and the reception was so warm! The pastor’s sermon was so different from the professors’ lectures at the university. My heart was defeated by this powerful sermon about God’s love. My family had taught me to respect others and sometimes follow the teaching of Christ and Confucius. But I had never heard this clear teaching before. Maybe loving God was the solution to the self-centeredness I saw in myself and my classmates. I returned to the church every Sunday.

A deacon reached out to me and I asked him questions about faith and the Bible. I also joined the choir in April because I’d learned music and singing from childhood. I wanted to get baptized so I talked with the deacon about becoming a Christian. After the conversation I prayed to God: “Almighty Father, I want to receive salvation from You and my Lord Jesus. I know I am a sinner and offended You. I repent of my sins and I want to follow my Lord Jesus and live a new life from now on. I want to be a disciple of Jesus!” From that day I had peace and joy in my heart and hope for God’s plans for my life. The Word of God, the Bible, became the instruction of my life. I pray and ask for God’s guidance every day and whenever I face difficulties and decisions.